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Our services

Training & Training, Hazmat & HSE

We have teams of highly trained professionals.


Risk Management in the Transportation of Hazardous Materials and Oversized Cargo

Whether you need to be sure that your dangerous or oversized cargo is properly stowed, with a clear travel plan, fully adhered to, and that it reaches its destination safely, or you need to have a first or second response to an incident, Ifsec has solutions to achieve it safely and efficiently.


Response to Hazmat Incidents and Environmental Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Bodies of Water

With its own personnel, equipment, materials and tools, Ifsec is able to carry out the entire environmental remediation process, be it in bodies of water or in contaminated soils, taking full charge from securing the scene, going through documentation, environmental monitoring , communication management with the communities, until the report to the Authority, both communicating the event, until its closure, with speed, safety and quality.

Development of skills in Safety, Health, Environment and Emergency Response

For the total satisfaction of our strategic partners, we have identified levels of training and training, using androgue methods and agile methodologies, based on the interaction and real learning of the participants, separated into: Basic Level, Technical Level, and Social Skills Training ( Blandas) and Safety Leadership.

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Risk Studies and Occupational Health and Safety Projects

When you need to ensure storage conditions, operational controls in your facilities (explosive atmospheres, heat loads, level of implementation of established controls, building safety, etc.), implement contingency plans in transport or in your facilities, systems Crisis Management and Operational Continuity; independently investigate incidents or any other Security project, give us a call! We have a solution to your need, in an agile, safe and efficient way.


We are sure that it is possible to carry out safe operations in the management of chemicals, therefore, we offer an industrial work service, such as product transfers, cleaning of fuel and chemical tanks, tanks and silos, washing isotanks, IBCs and much more. Call us to explain how we do it the IFSEC way: Safe, efficient and high quality...!

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